Stella Maris CCS

To get CCS costs down, large scale flexible solutions are required

What is Stella Maris?

Stella Maris CCS is a large-scale, flexible, scalable maritime logistics solution for captured CO2 from industrial sources, both large and small. It includes everything – from collection to storage.

The ambition of Stella Maris CCS is to provide cost efficient floating CCS infrastructure solutions for a global market, not limited to size nor geographical location. Stella Maris will handle CO2 volumes that make a real difference, and our collective ambition is to become a global actor in achieving the climate goals.

Video Introduction

Explained: The Maritime CCS Solution
Stella Maris CCS - A reliable large-scale CCS provider
Altera is scaling up CCS
Injected CO2 / year
10 Mt
Injection Unit
Shuttle Tankers
CO2 Hubs

A single Stella Maris project will have the capacity to store 10 million tonnes per year. In order to achieve the goal of the Paris Agreement, the equivalent of around 1,000 Stella Maris projects would be required by 2050.