Petrojarl I FPSO achieves 1 year LTI-free

January 8, 2019 marked the day the unit achieved 365 days without a Lost Time Injury (LTI-free).
It has been one year since vessel arrived at Atlanta oil field, located 185 kilometers offshore from the coast of Brazil, and one year of safe operations. January 8, 2019 marked the day the unit achieved 365 days without a Lost Time Injury (LTI-free).
From mooring operations, to extensive commissioning work prior to production start-up, the dedicated team onboard carried out their work with safety top of mind.
Congratulations to all involved – both onshore and offshore – reaching this important milestone and thank you for your continued commitment to safe operations! Keep up the great work.
The team onboard took the opportunity to commemorate the event with a group photo on the helideck – take a look.