Altera Podcast – Fostering Teamwork and Culture


In this podcast episode, we delve into the heart of Altera, where teamwork and culture are not just buzzwords, but the essence of success.

Vision and Values Driving Change

Our SVP Business Improvement, Madelene Stolpe and Rune Helliesen, Leadership & Performance Director, share their insights on how the company’s vision and core values are actively shaping the future of energy. This episode offers a unique perspective into how Altera is navigating the complex challenges of the industry while staying true to its commitment to continuous improvement.

A Blend of High Performance and Compassion

At Altera, high performance is seamlessly blended with a compassionate  TEAM culture. This special combination creates an environment where employees feel like they’re part of a big family, not just coworkers. This approach has been pivotal in creating a workspace where innovation thrives, and challenges are tackled through TEAMwork and shared knowledge.

Knowledge Sharing and Supportive Environment

One of Altera’s standout features is its emphasis on knowledge sharing and support. The company culture encourages open communication and collaboration, ensuring that experiences and expertise are shared freely. This environment not only enhances individual growth but also contributes to the company’s overall success.

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion are more than just policies at Altera; they are integral to the company’s identity. This episode highlights how Altera’s “YouBelong” campaign is not just about bringing diverse individuals together but about creating a space where everyone feels valued and included. This dedication to diversity is not just the right thing to do; it also introduces a variety of viewpoints that fuel innovation.

Tune into our podcast to get an inside look at how Altera Infrastructure is redefining the energy sector through a unique blend of teamwork, culture, and commitment to inclusive excellence. Discover how our approach is not just about achieving goals but about building a sustainable, supportive, and diverse community.
Or – if you prefer to listen to it you can find it on Spotify (Link: Rekrutteringspodden).